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Open Call HERE:2025

Open Call för den internationella scenkonstfestivalen HERE:2025. Deadline: 14 februari!

Festival HERE:, a biennial international contemporary performing arts festival on the West coast of Sweden, presents a program of performances that pose sincere, straightforward and challenging questions in the field of contemporary performance and dance. 

Who can apply

The application is open to professional dancers, choreographers and companies in the fields of contemporary dance and performing arts active in Sweden or in Portugal.

HERE:2025 will cover the following expenses for participants:
● Professional fees (established by the Festival*)
● Lodging at Vitlycke-CPA
● Catering during the festival
● Transportation – Professional fees paid by the Festival to each company or dance group will be agreed upon beforehand, according to the format of the work.


Fill in the following application form on google forms:
Deadline for applications is 14th February 2025, at 17:59 (GMT+1). We suggest sending proposals at your earliest convenience.

Vi rekommenderar att du skriver din ansökan på engelska, eftersom festivalens produktionsteam som ska bedöma din ansökan är internationellt. Du kan även skriva din ansökan på svenska, men då kommer den att översättas inför bedömningen.

Mer information hittar du här.