Ansökningsperiod: 13–31 januari 2025. Link here.
Mostly supported residency stages:
- Research: Early exploration of an artistic idea or project
- Development: Taking an already developed idea to the next stage
- Exploration: Exploring a new direction of the artistic work and practice
- Post production: Taking up an already premiered work for reflection, further development or preparing it for touring
Residency frame and budget:
- 2-3 weeks paid residency, 1.090 €/week per participant as fee. Up to five participants
- One week paid production fee of 1.090 € for one person distributed over the period between selection and the final evaluation
- Travel and accommodation
The following is not offered:
- Most artistic residencies do not take place at Bora Bora and artists can request but cannot expect a residency in Aarhus in Bora Bora’s venue or in a nearby studio
- Per diems are not covered by Bora Bora
- Bora Bora asks the artists or the producers of the artists themselves to book tickets for their own travels.