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Contemporary: Karin M Jameson Spinnstudion
18 November, 2024 kl. 10:15 – 11:45

V47 Daglig Träning/Daily Training
Mån/Mon: 10:15-11:45 Spinnstudion
Tis/Tue-Tor/Thu: 10:15-11:45 Ärlegården
KARIN M JAMESON has been teaching for more than 40 years. She now has a halftime position as an Assistant Professor in Dance at SKH/Dance. Karin started her studies in Klein technique in 1993 with Babarbar Mahler and Susan Klein in N.Y. She got certified to teach in 2000.In 2001 she started Back to the Bones Produktion as a platform for teaching and coaching in different collaborations in Sweden and around Europe. She is a returning guest teacher at Cullberg/Stockholm, Ballet de Lorraine/Nancy, LHI/Reykjavik, TeaK/Helsinki, DC Väst/Göteborg among others.
IN CLASS Klein Technique is a bodywork in constant shift between practice and theory, that works on the level of the bone, the skeleton. The alignment of the bones, the work of the deep muscles of postural support and the deep muscles in the pelvis are the focus areas of the practice. We study and re- study the musculoskeletal system and it’s functions. To achieve a deeper understanding of the musculoskeletal system and it’s functions, we work with the physical concepts of weight, spatiality and gravity and how they are linked to the mechanics of the body, as well as to the structure of the bones. In class we get to concentrate on ourselves as anatomical beings on a deeper level and make room for this in our daily lives as movers and dancers.
Måndagens klass sker i samarbete med Språng. https://dusprang.se/vidare/
Språng har fått utvecklingsstöd från Kulturrådet och Göteborgs stad för att bedriva utvecklingsprojektet VIDARE. Projektet syftar till att utveckla en funktionsöverskridande danspraktik på professionell nivå både lokalt och nationellt. Inom ramen för projektet kommer Danscentrum Västs daglig träning på måndagar vara i Spinnstudion. Dansklasserna vänder sig till dig som är professionell dansare eller har stor danserfarenhet oavsett vilken funktionalitet du har. Den dagliga träningen inom VIDARE är ett samarbete mellan Språng, Danscentrum Väst, Danskompaniet Spinn och Regionteater Väst.